Please use our contact link and fill out the booking form.
Please have the following information ready:
+ Tattoo design idea (including styles, colour or grayscale)
+ Ideal size of your design (in cm/ inches)
+ Preferred body placement. Please include an image of your body from a
reasonable distance and please circle the area you would like to get tattooed.
+ Photo references ( inspiration images, drawings, other tattoos)
Once you have completed the booking form, please click submit and we will get back
to you as soon as we can.
In order to book an appointment, a deposit is required and it is not refundable.
Once it is confirmed that the artist has agreed to take on the tattoo project, we will
provide you with the estimated cost of the tattoo, the date, time and deposit
Deposit cost ranges from £100 - £200. However, this varies depending on the size of
the tattoo and the duration of the tattoo appointment.
Useful Information
● Aftercare:
Touch up policy: any touch up needed would be covered, except for hands and feet
Going on Holiday with a fresh tattoo: We highly advise you to stay out of any direct
sunlight, sunbeams or do any sunbathing after getting tattooed.
This also include saunas, swimming pools or beaches.
We recommend you to wait for at least 2-3 weeks after getting tattooed before going
on holiday.
● General:
How do I prepare for my tattoo? In the days leading up to your tattoo, make sure you
are well rested, well fed and well hydrated. Make sure you have eaten a good size
meal a couple of hours before your appointment. Try to avoid drinking alcohol
because it thins the blood which will affect your healing process. Make sure to
moisturise the area being tattooed for the week up until the appointment. Wear dark
loose clothes (less danger of ink stains) that will give the artist access to the area of
your body being tattooed. Bring sugary snacks and drinks with you to the
appointment in case they are needed.
Can I see my design ahead of the appointment?Unfortunately, I won't provide
you with a design days before your appointment. When you get to your appointment,
I will show you your design - but will be fully prepared to make any changes or
alterations that you may prefer. As much as we endeavour to get it perfectly right first
time, we understand it is unlikely so are happy to work with you on the day to make it
meet your specifications. If you want to book in to have a consultation with the me
ahead of your tattoo appointment to go through the design face-to-face, then contact
me and we will find a time to book you in.